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Hours of Opening

March to October:
Mon to Sat
9.00 am to 5.30pm
Sun 10am to 4pm
November to end of February:
Mon to Sat
9.00 am to 4.00pm
Sun Closed

In association with Braywick Charitable Trust
Reg No 1057275

Positive about Disability logo


Braywick HEATH Nurseries provides a combination of Horticultural Employment and Therapy for a group of people in need support, many of whom are on the autistic spectrum. It has grown and developed over a period of some 15 years, run by a combination of staff and volunteers.

We are always looking for more volunteer support and would welcome your help in a variety of ways:

- helping in the nursery itself

-working in the shop and office

-working as mentors to help our supported volunteers to develop their work skills

- generally helping to run the place

Even one session a week would help us.

If you can't make a commitment for each week, we also have a program of special events for which we need volunteer help.

If you are interested to find out more about how we operate, do please call us on 01628 622510 or email us via the contact form.