News, events & room hire
Events & workshops
We host fun seasonal workshops at the nurseries or at local community group’s premises.
Room hire
The Peter Field centre honours one of our founders and has been used by many groups, organisations and individuals since it’s opening.
Recent news, partnerships and community engagement
Maidenhead Town Team volunteers brighten up town centre with new floral displays - Spring 2024
New floral displays giving a much-needed burst of colour to Maidenhead town centre have been planted by volunteers from the Maidenhead Town Team.
The team replanted almost 50 empty planters in Broadway, Frascati Way, West Street and Providence Place with spring flowering plants, such as daffodils and primroses, trailing plants, like ivy, as well as shrubs, geraniums and pansies.
The replanting was their first project and was organised by the council in partnership with Braywick Plant Nurseries, which supplied the plants and expertise for the project.
Councillor Simon Werner, the leader of the council and cabinet member for community partnerships, public protection and Maidenhead, said: “My thanks to the town team volunteers for their time and dedication to this project, which has brought these planters back into use and looking amazing, providing a much-needed burst of colour for the spring and summer months. I’m sure this will be welcomed by our residents as they visit the town centre and see these planters looking fantastic once again.
“It all adds to the council’s ambition to make the borough greener, cleaner and safer. The Maidenhead Town Team will be leading on other future activities and projects that will benefit the users of the town and enhance its vitality and attractiveness for both residents and visitors.”
Robyn Bunyan, the council’s Maidenhead Town Manager, who organises the town team, said: “We were thrilled to work with Braywick Heath Nurseries who provided the plants and expertise for this project. I’d like to thank them for their support, which was very much valued by the team. This was just one of the great ideas put forward by the town team volunteers and we hope plenty more will come through in the coming months.”
Lisa Hughes, director of Braywick Heath Nurseries, said: “We’re a local plant nursery that is supported by community volunteers, both non-disabled and with autism and learning disabilities, so we love getting involved in local projects. As a long-time resident it’s great to make the town look that bit more beautiful.”
Maidenhead Train Station facilities upgrade materials donated to Braywick Plant Nurseries - Autumn 2024
A new lift and additional staircase have been formally opened in at Maidenhead station with a ceremony to celebrate Network Rail’s investment.
Lady Theresa May, the former Prime Minister and MP for Maidenhead, current MP Joshua Reynolds and Simon Werner, leader of Windsor and Maidenhead Borough Council, attended an event with Network Rail, train operating companies and the local accessibility group.
The lift and staircase have been installed to serve platforms two and three, making the station easier and safer to use. Previously only one staircase was available, which could lead to passengers queuing on the platform. The lift had reached the end of its working life and was replaced and moved to a new location to create space for the extra staircase.
With 3.2m journeys a year, Maidenhead is now a fully accessible station once again and stayed open throughout the work.
The improvements were carried out by Network Rail’s contractor, Morgan Sindall Infrastructure, who excavated more than 150 tonnes of spoil that was reused in the station.
Timber that was removed during the work was donated to Braywick Plant Nurseries, a local not-for-profit organisation, which gives disabled people employment, training and work experience. It’s being repurposed by volunteers from the local community.
Network Rail sponsor Alan Gough said: “It’s great to be able to celebrate this investment in Maidenhead that will make this key station in the Thames Valley safer and easier to use.
GWR customer services director Rachel Geliamassi said: “We’re delighted to officially reopen these facilities, and the major improvements you can see around me – providing a more accessible, safer station environment for all who use it.
“Maidenhead is a very important station for both residents and visitors and we are delighted to have been able to work with Network Rail, and the Royal Borough of Maidenhead and Windsor to deliver these improvements.
“We know that working together means we can deliver more and we are committed to a cooperative, collaborative approach with the communities we serve.”
Maidenhead disability and inclusion forum chair Lisa Hughes said: “The impact for disabled people travelling during the project has been difficult so we are delighted that all platforms are once again accessible by lifts.
“As a director of Braywick Plant Nurseries I am really grateful for the timber donated by Morgan Sindall.”
Morgan Sindall Infrastructure managing director for rail Olivia Perkins said: “We are pleased to have delivered these upgrades, improving accessibility and safe use of Maidenhead station.
“Thank you to the efforts of all involved, including our site project team, delivery partners and supply chain who have worked tirelessly to minimise disruption to passengers.”
BPN welcomes The Autism Group
The Autism Group is a Maidenhead based charity committed to supporting and enhancing the lives of young people on the spectrum, their parents, and carers.
Sessions have been held at Braywick Plant Nurseries focussing on nature and art, through summer holidays and regular Saturdays ongoing throughout the year.
The Junior Art clubs welcome young people on the autism spectrum who enjoy art and would like to meet with other like minded young people. They offer a range of art and craft activities, lead by the interests of the young people themselves, This group meets once every four weeks. For ages 9 to 13 and suitable for those typically of mainstream ability but who need support to succeed in social situations.
Hanging basket workshops held for Alzheimers Dementia Support Out & About Group (Summer & Autumn 2024)
The nursery welcomed the Alzheimers Dementia Support Out & About Group in June to make Summer hanging baskets, and again in September to make Autumn hanging baskets.
Everyone was given a pot holding tray, and led around the glasshouses to tables hosting flowering bedding plants, herbs and trailing foliage, to select the plants they would like in their basket. With assistance from BPN staff and the ADS helpers, everyone made a basket to take home with them to enjoy.
BPN Chairman celebrates 80th Birthday
On Thursday 9th January 2025, a gathering was held at the nursery to celebrate our Chairman Robin’s 80th birthday.
Staff and volunteers past and present, joined supporters and friends of Braywick Plant Nurseries, to recognise the lifetime achievements and dedication Robin has shown through developing the nurseries over many years.